Climate Literacy for All

Banner shows, set against a blue background representing the sea, icons representing the impacts of climate change including rising temperatures, rising sea levels, the greenhouse effect, carbon effect, precipitation, coastal effect, drought, urban waste and melting ice. On the left is the name of the course, Climate's Big Challenge for Small Islands.

This portal is no longer active, and certificates will not be issued. The content will be archived and made available on the Commonwealth of Learning's Pressbook.

Course Description

This MOOC examines the topic of climate change through the lens of small island developing states (SIDS). SIDS are extremely vulnerable to the impacts of climate change despite being responsible for less than one percent of global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. This MOOC will introduce learners to key concepts, methodologies and approaches to enhance knowledge, attitudes and perceptions of sustainable environmental practices and promote climate action. The course will draw on a variety of real-world examples to demonstrate the importance of pursuing both mitigation and adaptation solutions as a long-term strategy for meeting key sustainable development goals within the context of SIDS.

Course Contents

The course is comprised of the following modules:

  • Module 1: Climate Change Science 101: Key Ideas for Small Islands
  • Module 2: Will Small Islands Disappear? (Historical and Future Climate)
  • Module 3: Why Are SIDS So Vulnerable? (Climate Change Impacts)
  • Module 4: Do or Die? (Adaptation and Mitigation)
  • Module 5: Whose Fault, Who Feels It and Who Pays?
  • Module 6: Clearing Hurdle One – Climate Change Education

Target audience

This course will meet the needs of those who work in the field, those who are passionate about climate change and advocacy, and those who wish to become more involved in climate advocacy and education as they relate to Small Island Developing States. The course welcomes participants from any region of the world. The main qualifying criteria are your interest and passion for the environment.

Outcomes of this Course

After completing the course, you should be able to:

  1. Explain the fundamentals of climate change science.
  2. Explain the causes and effects of global warming and greenhouse gas emissions in SIDS.
  3. Describe the consequences of climate change and the role of adaptation strategies in reducing the risks associated with current and projected climate-related impacts in SIDS.
  4. Justify climate change mitigation and propose actions in key sectors for SIDS.
  5. Explain key issues associated with international climate change policy and legal frameworks.
  6. Analyze the principal challenges and opportunities for climate change action especially for SIDS.
  7. Communicate about the climate crisis and the urgent need for climate action.


Upon completion, you will receive recognition through a verified, easily shareable Certificate to highlight the knowledge and skills you’ve gained.