Management of Metabolic and Production Disorders in Cattle

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Course Description

This course will enhance the knowledge and skill of the veterinarians with recent updates through continuing education enabling them to implement appropriate treatment protocols and control of production disorders for the cattle at the field level thereby enhancing the livelihood and increasing the economy of farmers. Metabolic disorder or production disorder is most common disease entities in lactating dairy animals which leads to severe economic losses in terms of reduction in milk yield and impaired reproductive performance. Dairy production is challenged by the fact that 30 – 50 per cent of dairy cows are affected by one or more forms of metabolic or infectious disease at the time of calving. In cattle, metabolic diseases include Ketosis, Milk fever, Downer cow syndrome, Hypomagnesaemia, Post-parturient haemoglobinuria and Mastitis. These metabolic disease conditions are multifactorial and commonly occur due to high physiological stress or demand for nutrients with late pregnancy and early lactation being key period. Milk fever has been associated with threefold increase in risk of dystocia, uterine prolapse, retained fetal membranes, metritis, abomasal displacement and a nearly ninefold increase in clinical ketosis and Mastitis.
This course will benefit veterinarians to enrich knowledge and skill on sub-clinical and clinical form of metabolic disorders and measures for early diagnosis and management in cattle and small ruminants. This in turn will help to increase the economy of the farmers by saving the life of the animals, preventing the death of cattle from the diseases and by sustaining animal production / productivity.

Course Contents

  • Hypocalcemia (Milk fever) in cattle
  • Downer cow syndrome
  • Ketosis in ruminants
  • Update in bovine Mastitis
  • Post-parturient hemoglobinuria in cattle
  • Hypomagnesemic tetany in cattle

Target audience

  • Practicing Veterinarians 
  • Pre-final, final year and internee of veterinary science 
  • Veterinarians working in State Animal Husbandry Departments, NGOs 
  • Veterinarians working in State Veterinary Universities / Veterinary Colleges

Outcomes of this Course

  • Understand the diagnosis and staging of milk fever in cattle.
  • Know the pathogenesis and differential diagnosis of recumbent cow.
  • Diagnose ketosis and management of its complications in ruminants.
  • Gain and update knowledge on treatment and alternatives to antibiotics in bovine Mastitis.
  • Learn differential diagnosis approach to post-parturient haemoglobinuria.
  • Learn the managemental practices and therapeutic approach to hypomagnesemic tetany.


Qualifying registered learners will be given certificates based on their involvement and performance. Participation and Competency certificates will be issued by Centre for Continuing Education (CCE), IIT Kanpur, India, Commonwealth of Learning (COL), Canada and Tamil Nadu Veterinary and Animal Sciences University (TANUVAS), Chennai, India.