With the declaration of COVID-19 as a global pandemic in March 2020, school campuses were closed. Governments in most developing and developed countries have consequently recommended moving teaching and learning online. Even when campuses re-open, teachers and learners will probably need to continue to practise physical distancing and will need to continue to do some work online. This course, targeting teachers of primary and secondary schools, uses contemporary learning design and accessible technology to introduce participants to using Open Educational Resources for some aspects of online learning provision. The course is particularly suited for teachers in developing country contexts and will run over 4 weeks. It will require up to 3 hours of time each week. Participants will learn from readings, videos as well as discussions with fellow teachers and mentors. A Certificate of Completion will be given to those who complete all the tasks in the course.
Unit 1: Developing learning activities
Participants will:
Unit 2: Selecting and integrating OER in the learning activities
Participants will:
Unit 3: Designing learner and learning support in the use of OER
Participants will:
Unit 4: Designing assessment and feedback
Participants will:
This course will be useful to teachers in secondary and primary schools as well as to officials connected with administration of school education and teacher training. The focus is primarily on developing countries in the Pacific region.
By the end of this short course, you should be better able to:
A Certificate of Completion will be awarded to those who complete all the tasks in the course.
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